Tuesday 22 June 2010

Giving it a Go

Hello there.

Basically I started this blog because it's a useful way of getting into the habit of writing on a frequent basis. I used to write a lot of stuff, short stories, radio plays, short films, you name it! But in the past year, the well dried up considerably and it's time to get the mojo back. So what better way to regain it than by ranting, whining, snivelling, cajoling and generally bitching? And what better location than Tokyo to do it...

I'm a foreigner in Tokyo, from London to be precise. But wait! Don't run away! This isn't going to be some "fish out of water" blog, although incidentally I love that concept - Crocodile Dundee was a fantastic film, what with all the crocodile skins in the New York subway and all. But after some snooping about on the net, it just got a bit boring to see all the "wowowowow I went to a shrine and WORE A KIMONO at a TEA CEREMONY and I have real life JAPANESE people as friends" posts.

So yeah, Japan is involved, but that's just circumstances - if I were in London I'd be writing about late buses or something. Mostly it'll just be whimsical musings. A diary entry here and there, perhaps.

Don't like it? Piss off then. It's MY blog. I run this show.

Wait, come back.

Oh, alright. I'll write some stuff about suicides and hosts and kawaii crap, with a smattering of cultural learnings. And I'll keep up with the creative writing. We'll all be happy.

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